A swimmer must have very good breathing techniques. You have to be able to keep breathing in a pattern when you are tired. Most coaches make sure that you practice your breathing at practices because your breathing can affect you in your races. The coaches usually tell you that you have to be taking three strokes then a breath for your breathing pattern. Coaches also make you practice breathing towards the end of a practice, when you are getting really tired. This practice will help a swimmer at a meet, because as a swimmer gets tired it becomes difficult to get oxygen to the mussels. This is why it is necessary to practice breathing on low levels of oxygen.
Diving is very important when swimming a race. If you do a really good dive you could start your race way ahead of the other competitors. When diving it is very important that you push off the block with a lot of power. If you have a lot of power on a dive it will affect your race very greatly. There are two different types of diving you would use at a swim meet. The first and more typically seen is a basic dive. In this dive you need to have your hips lifted high and your toes curled around the diving board, or pool ledge for the younger swimmers. Your hands should also be placed one on top of the other to form a streamline when you dive off. The second kind of dive is the relay dive. This dive is used less because it is used only for relays. In this dive you don’t bend down you stay standing up. You wait until the swimmer that is in the water gets past the flags then you make your hands into a triangle with your hands barely touching each other. Then you follow the swimmer with your hands and when they are about to touch the wall you split the triangle and throw your arms backwards to bring them forwards and dive into the water.
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