Tuesday, March 27, 2012

The Fastest Swimmers in the World

It’s hard to find out who the fastest swimmer in the world is, since there are so many different websites that say different people. There is one website I found that I think is a pretty trustworthy website though. This is the USA Swim Teams website. So if you want to check this information go to their website and open the PDF.
One of the fastest swimmers in the U.S. is Michael Phelps. He has the fastest time in the 200 freestyle, 100 butterfly, 200 butterfly, 400 IM, and he is also in the fastest 400 freestyle relay, 800 freestyle relay, and the 400 IM or medley relay. Another one of the fastest male swimmers is Ryan Lochte. He has the fastest time in the 200 IM and is in the fastest 800 freestyle relay.
One of the fastest female swimmers in the U.S. is Rebecca Soni. Rebecca has the fastest time in the 200 breaststroke and is also in the fastest 400 IM or medley relay. Another one of the fastest female swimmers is Natalie Coughlin. She has the fastest time in the 100 backstroke and she is also in the fastest 400 freestyle relay and the 400 IM or medley relay.

Sunday, March 4, 2012

Stroke Types And Difficulties

There are four strokes that you can swim at a swim meet. These strokes are butterfly, backstroke, breaststroke, and freestyle. There is one other kind of race you can swim at a meet though. This race, the IM, is mixture of all the strokes. You swim a lap or more of every stroke. There is a certain order you need to swim them in though. This order is butterfly, backstroke, breaststroke, and then freestyle.
People have argued over which stroke is the easiest and which stroke is the hardest. To tell you the truth, there’s not a right answer. Everyone has a different stroke that they struggle with and a stroke that they do really good in. For some people they might have difficulty with butterfly and be great at breaststroke, meanwhile it might be the exact opposite for one of their friends.  The strokes you are the best at can change as you improve the other strokes to though. For example, when I first started swimming my best stroke was backstroke, but now that I have improved my techniques my best stroke is freestyle. Freestyle is the one stroke that just about everyone is good at. Some people have a better freestyle than others though.